Interview with Rosie Jones

At the very beginning of this blog (October 2020, to be exact) I decided to do an interview with the famous comedian Rosie Jones. I think it’s a testament to her generosity that she agreed to do this interview despite my blog being very new and me as a fourteen year old just deciding toContinue reading “Interview with Rosie Jones”

Interviewing Jennifer Cassidy

This week, I have the pleasure of bringing you an interview with the one and only Jennifer Cassidy. She is not only my amazing mother but co-founder of Speech Bubble drama which is a UK drama project for children and young people with speech impairments. What was it like first discovering you had a disabledContinue reading “Interviewing Jennifer Cassidy”

Interview with Invincible Woman on Wheels

This week is very exciting as I’ve had a conversation with another blogger called Invincible Woman on wheels (also known as Emma). I remember when I started blogging she was one of the first people I found on Twitter that I felt was doing similar things to what I wanted to do. I let herContinue reading “Interview with Invincible Woman on Wheels”

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