Sleeplessness, seizures and stress – my epilepsy experience

Sleep is a vital component of survival for human beings and it can be especially important for people who have disabilities which mean they expend more energy on a daily basis than others. I have always had quite a challenging relationship with sleep as a result of my cerebral palsy and it has impacted myContinue reading “Sleeplessness, seizures and stress – my epilepsy experience”

Why prom was more meaningful than expected

A few weeks ago I attended my school prom and I didn’t really expect that I’d want to write about it. Generally, I tend to choose topics to do with disability and write about them rather than focusing on personal experiences but I really wanted to share my experience of going to prom because itContinue reading “Why prom was more meaningful than expected”

My experience on a part-time school timetable

Being at a mainstream school with cerebral palsy was a very challenging experience for so many reasons, one of them being the fact that I am very easily fatigued as a result of my disability. Growing up, I never really experienced fatigue and I was always a very energetic child but when I hit theContinue reading “My experience on a part-time school timetable”

Why we need more CP awareness

Cerebral palsy – the most common childhood disability and yet people don’t seem to know much about it. This can partially be attributed to the fact that there is a lack of disability representation in media in general but I would also argue that the depictions we do have of cerebral palsy are usually veryContinue reading “Why we need more CP awareness”

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