The power in assistance

Something I’ve learned over time which has changed my perception of being disabled is the power of asking for and receiving help. I’ve always been a headstrong, determined person who will genuinely go all-out to achieve my goals so when it comes to asking for help, I often find it hard to admit that IContinue reading “The power in assistance”

Disabled and exam-ready

It’s now officially that special time of year where teenagers are out of school and desperately shoving their faces in text books trying to absorb last minute formulas before their dreaded exams, and this year, one of those teenagers is me!  I’m currently sitting my national 5 qualifications and I thought it may be insightfulContinue reading “Disabled and exam-ready”

Supporting disabled people at school

How to support disabled pupils at school? Being at school is a generally difficult time of life for everyone but when you are disabled, things are even more interesting. I’ve been at mainstream school for 11 years of my life so I feel pretty qualified to discuss this topic however please keep in mind that I’mContinue reading “Supporting disabled people at school”

My relationship with CP

Something I’ve been thinking about recently is my relationship with my disability. It’s something that is constantly changing and fluctuating so I thought it would be interesting to try and write about it using chapters to document each stage of my relationship with it so far. Discovery  I was a very happy toddler. I wentContinue reading “My relationship with CP”

Setting goals and keeping a positive mindset

One of my favourite things about being disabled is that there’s always something that I can’t do. That might confuse you but I want to explain this new kind of mindset I’ve been working on.  I’m someone who really struggles with physical tasks that involve fine motor (like doing buttons, tying laces etc) and IContinue reading “Setting goals and keeping a positive mindset”

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